A wide variety of sponsoring options is available for the virtual 18th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU21). An Industry Session is a plenary presentation of data, research and facts of pharmaceutical or equipment development. A virtual Industry Session lasts 60 minutes and is scheduled in between the scientific sessions. Applications for virtual Industry Sessions should reach the EAU sales team before 15 December 2020. EAU Corporate Sponsors will have priority in the assignment of days and themes. After 15 December 2020 applications are subject to availability and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. A virtual Industry presentation lasts 15 minutes. Throughout the Virtual ESOU21 programme different timeslots are available. The Industry presenter can showcase the newest innovations, product and technologies. Alternatively data, results or a demonstration of the company’s latest developments can be presented. For information about prices and availability of all sponsoring options, please contact: EAU sales departmentVirtual industry sessions
The EAU Scientific Committee is responsible for the allocation of Industry Sessions.Oncology forum – Virtual industry presentation
T: +31 (0)26 389 1751