Hands-on Training Courses

Hands-on Training Courses

Sharpen your skills with Laparoscopy, Transurethral Treatment, Endoscopic Stone Treatment, Sacral Neuromodulation, iTIND, Urodynamics, Robotics, Penile Prosthesis Implant, General Open Surgery, and Non-Technical Skills and Soft Skills courses which offer hands-on interaction with state-of-the-art equipment and expert tutors.  

As an essential part of the European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) in Prague, intensive hands-on training will be delivered. This year’s programme consists of hands-on interaction with state-of-the-art equipment in many different topics.

The workshops provide participants with unique opportunities to train basic and more advanced techniques under expert supervision. Thanks to the intense 1:1:1 (one station, one trainee, one tutor) and small group training concepts, a fast learning effect can be expected.

Endoscopic Stone Treatment, Step 1 (ESTs1): In this first step of the Endoscopic Stone Treatment curriculum, the programme structure offers a unique opportunity to those who want to learn the basics of endoscopy, with a focus on urinary stone treatment. In 4 exercises, participants will train basic skills such as instrument handling, flexible cystoscopy, rigid cystoscopy, semi-rigid ureteroscopy and flexible ureteroscopy under the guidance of experienced tutors.

Endoscopic Stone Treatment, Step 2 (ESTs2): In this second step of the Endoscopic Stone Treatment curriculum, participants will train on 3 exercises focused on ureteral stone fragmenting, kidney stone relocation/fragmenting and stent placement under the guidance of experienced tutors.

General Open Surgery (GOS): This course allows participants to practice basic general open surgery techniques under the guidance of expert trainers.

iTIND: This course provides the participants with step by step training on the iTIND procedure under the supervision of an experienced tutor.

Basic Laparoscopic Urological Skills (LUSs1): In this first step of the laparoscopic curriculum, basic techniques will be trained in a dedicated step-by-step programme. In 4 exercises, participants will train their skills such as instrument handling, pattern cutting, intracorporal suturing, depth perception and bimanual dexterity under the guidance of experienced tutors.

Intermediate Laparoscopic Urological Skills (LUSs2): In this second step of the laparoscopic curriculum, participants are offered intermediate training with complex tasks (namely LUS step 2: pyeloplasty, major vessel injury repair). This session is only available for participants who already achieved E-BLUS certification (or equivalent: FLS, PLUS, BLUS).

Non-Technical Skills (NTS): This course offers a scenario-based training experience focused on enabling urologists to recognise, develop and optimise their non-technical skills and promote safe, effective surgery.

Penile Prosthesis Implant (PPI): This course provides the participants with step by step training on the procedure for penile prosthesis implant on state of the art models.

Robotics: This course offers an introduction to robotic surgery techniques on the Hugo™ RAS system. Learn more about the Hugo™ RAS system HERE. 

Sacral Neuromodulation (SNM): This Hands-on Training course allows the participants to practice different steps of SNM on models. They will also perform primary percutaneous nerve evaluation, tined lead and battery implantation, programming, and troubleshooting.

Transurethral Treatment, Step 1 and 2 (TUTs2 – TURP/TURBT): The first step of the Transurethral Treatment curriculum includes basic transurethral skills, namely rigid cystoscopy, flexible cystoscopy, direct vision internal urethrotomy, and basic resection loop handling. The second step of the Transurethral Treatment curriculum is branched into a prostate course that covers basic transurethral resection of the prostate, and a bladder course that covers basic transurethral resection of bladder tumours.

Transurethral Treatment, Step 3 (TUTs3): The third step of the Transurethral Treatment curriculum is branched into three courses that cover ThuLEP, HOLEP or Greenlight.

Urodynamics (UDS): This course covers the essential steps of the urodynamics procedure, including getting familiar with equipment, interpreting traces, performing quality control, and troubleshooting.

Timing for hands-on training workshops

Friday 29 August 2025 19.30 – 21.25 hrs
Saturday 30 August 2025 06.30 – 08.25 hrs
18:05 – 21:00 hrs
Sunday 31 August 2025 12:35 – 17:35 hrs*
Monday 1 September 2025 12.40 – 13.35 hrs
18.05 – 21.00 hrs
Tuesday 2 September 2025 06:30 – 08.25 hrs
12:40 – 14:00 hrs**
18:05 – 21:05 hrs**

* All trainings + NTS courses
** Exams, TUT training, and SNM training

The online registration is open. Registration deadline is 1 May!